Panchakarma Detox Program


For more details, please inquire!

What is Panchakarma?

 Pancha (five) karma (action) is a five-part three week Holistic (mind, body, and spirit) detox program performed on a cellular level.

The cleanse focuses on removing toxins and reducing vata (air & ether) through various treatments as well as the prevention of disease and ailments to maintain optimal health.

The Five Parts of Panchakarma

  • Herbalized oil poured into nose

  • Induced vomitting

  • Emesis

  • Enemas

  • Bloodletting

    *Not performed in this program


  • Calms the mind

  • Removes toxins on a cellular level

  • Resets the body and nervous system, bringing you back to your natural state of balance

  • Restores body tissue

  • Improves sleep

  • Helps balance elimination and inspire healthier diet and lifestyle

  • Brings clarity and grounding

  • Nurtures the soul

  • Vitalizes and energizes

One Week Before Treatment:

First consultation is over the phone, video call, or in-person to review imbalances and determine the treatment needed from the program.

Contraindications for receiving treatment: pregnancy, menstrual cycle, lactation, lymphosarcoma, cancer of the lungs or testicals, melanoma, angina pectoris

Week 1: Preparation

Clients receive bitter herbs infused into ghee to take daily until treatment begins.

Week 2: Treatment

Clients stay and receive treatment at the retreat center. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served that are light and easy to digest. Warm herbal tea and fruits are always available.

The final consultation is on the last day to review where they’re at and advise on lifestyle changes and diet. Clients are also given rasayana herbs to rebuild immune system and help rejuvenate the body.

  • Ayurvedic massage, approx 45 min.)

  • Steam (approx 20 min.)

  • Herbalized oil streamed onto forehead (approx 50 min.)

  • Nourishing basti (small enema), cleansing basti, virichena, or vamana, depending on treatment day

  • At least three evening lectures educating on what Ayurveda is, panchakarma, how toxins accumulate in the body, and how each element of the treatment removes them.

  • At least three consults to check in that includes a pulse reading, discussion of treatment response, answering questions, etc.


Week 3: Integration

Performed at home with their rasayana, diet and lifestyle plan. Clients are encouraged to reach out for guidance and/or questions.

Maintain after-care treatment recommended by practitioner. Will take up to three months to feel the full benefits of the cleanse.


  • No, you will not! Clients become more in tune with their body and hunger signals and are surprised at their contentment.

  • An enema is the insertion of liquid into the anal canal to cleanse the colon.

    A colonics dehydrates the colon.

    We perform two kinds of enemas. The nourishing basti using warm oil protects and hydrates the colon and reaches throughout the entire colon. Usually, it is absorbed into the body. The cleansing basti is slightly larger. Made to immediately evacuate. Always followed by a nourishing basti the following day.

    Every treatment is individualized and specific for each client’s needs. In order to receive the full benefits, clients are encouraged to fully complete each aspect of the treatment.

  • We encourage you to unplug completely to fully immerse yourself in the program. However, it’s understood that clients have commitments to work and family. We ask you to minimize your screen time as much as possible.

  • We recommend keeping exercise light during the program. Sitting on the intercoastal, the retreat center is surrounded by trees and is a quiet place to walk. Clients can bring a kayak, paddle board, or bicycle, Honor your body and be gentle during the process.

  • Slippers are provided to wear while inside the retreat center, a robe, towel turban,

    Optional: a change of clothes to wear after treatment. A book for light reading. Glasses (contacts aren’t encouraged for the full week, some treatments include oil dropped into eyes).

  • Some clients have brought meditation sounds/music to listen to while falling asleep.

    Note: some clients have improved sleep at the retreat center.